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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 104 in total

Falafel Lunch for Your Child's C...

Treat your child's Ezra class to a delicious lunch from Ricotta Kosher Pizza and Bakery in New Haven. On a chosen sch...
Treat your child's Ezra class to a delicious lu...
Value: $200
Current Bid $80

Front Row Seats to Ezra's Hanukk...

Whether you arrive early or just before the curtain rises, you'll ensure you get the best seats in the house for next...
Whether you arrive early or just before the cur...
Value: Priceless!
No Bids Yet

Head of School for a Day

This is always a hot item! Does your student like to be in charge? Well, now's their chance! Your K-8 student will be...
This is always a hot item! Does your student li...
Value: Priceless!
Current Bid $100

Treat the Teachers to Lunch from...

Treat the teachers and staff of Ezra Academy to breakfast or lunch from Edge of the Woods with this $200 giftcard. Wh...
Treat the teachers and staff of Ezra Academy to...
Value: $200
Current Bid $100

Curated Head of School Book Basket

Make your way through Head of School Chris Aguero's "Must Read" list! Basket contains: Limitless Mind, by Jo ...
Make your way through Head of School Chris Ague...
Value: $250
No Bids Yet

Sponsor a Day of Learning

Sponsor a day of learning at Ezra, in honor of your child, grandchild, a special occasion, a yahrzeit, or even your b...
Sponsor a day of learning at Ezra, in honor of ...
Value: N/A
20 Available N/A / ea

Sponsor a Week of Learning

Sponsor a full week of learning at Ezra, in honor of your child, grandchild, a special occasion, a yahrzeit, or even ...
Sponsor a full week of learning at Ezra, in hon...
Value: N/A
10 Available N/A / ea

Handmade Pottery Bowl with Abstr...

Handmade pottery bowl by Ezra's very own art teacher, Nancy Restivo, with a gorgeous abstract glaze.
Handmade pottery bowl by Ezra's very own art te...
Value: $100
No Bids Yet

Large Beautiful Terrarium

Bring a touch of nature indoors with this stunning large terrarium. Perfect for adding greenery to any space, this se...
Bring a touch of nature indoors with this stunn...
Value: $250
No Bids Yet

Cherry Tree Painting by Ezra 8th...

This vibrant cherry tree painting, created by talented 8th grader Ariel Gilmore, captures the beauty of nature with b...
This vibrant cherry tree painting, created by t...
Value: Priceless!
No Bids Yet

Winsor and Newton Watercolor Gif...

This beautiful Winsor and Newton gift set will unlock you or your child's creativity, and allow it to shine brigh...
This beautiful Winsor and Newton gift set w...
Value: $100
Current Bid $30

Three Books from Yale's "Jewish ...

Devour these three fascinating biographies of baseball Hall of Fame member Hank Greenberg (aka "Hammerin' Hank", "Han...
Devour these three fascinating biographies of b...
Value: $100
Current Bid $35